Spreadsheet display years, months, and days between two dates

Display the number of years, months, and days between two dates in a spreadsheet.

    ", ",
            DATEDIF(StartDate, EndDate, "y") & " years",
            DATEDIF(StartDate, EndDate, "ym") & " months",
            DATEDIF(StartDate, EndDate, "md") & " days"
            DATEDIF(StartDate, EndDate, "y"),
            DATEDIF(StartDate, EndDate, "ym"),
            DATEDIF(StartDate, EndDate, "md")

Replace StartDate and EndDate with spreadsheet cell references. Now the number of years, months, and days between the two dates will be displayed.

When there are 0 years, 0 months, or 0 days, those values will be filtered out and not displayed.


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