Find files and execute command on those files found; find file and exec

To find files and execute a command on the files found, do the following:

cd /path/to/directory
find ./ ! -iname "*.mp3" -type f -exec echo {} \;

The above command finds any non-mp3 (! -iname *.mp3) file (-type f) in the current directory (./) and prints the file found (-exec echo {}). The curly brackets are replaced with the found files. "\;" signals the end of the command to execute.

The tests may be chained to together:

find ./ ! -iname "*.mp3" ! -iname "*.m3u" ! -iname "*.pls" -type f -exec echo {} \;

To remove or perform another action on the files found, change the exec action. The following will remove the files found:

find ./ ! -iname "*.mp3" ! -iname "*.m3u" ! -iname "*.pls" -type f -exec rm {} \;
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  1. anonymous

    You may find it more appropriate to pipe the results of your find command to the xargs command.

    Make sure to use the -0 argument though for compatability...

    :-P Edub

  2. anonymous

    Thank you! Very useful post!

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