Bash check if file exists one liner and delete

Delete a file only if it is a regular file without needing to use the force option (-f/--force).

set -x

filename="myfile.txt" &&
([[ -f "${filename}" ]] && rm --recursive --verbose "${filename}" || exit 0) &&
echo "done"

Test the script. First, create the file referenced in the script.

$ touch myfile.txt

Run the script and the file is removed because it is a regular file.

$ bash
+ filename=myfile.txt
+ [[ -f myfile.txt ]]
+ rm --recursive --verbose myfile.txt
removed 'myfile.txt'
+ echo done

Run the script again and the file is not removed because it has already been deleted.

$ bash
+ filename=myfile.txt
+ [[ -f myfile.txt ]]
+ exit 0
+ echo done
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